Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The One with God's Victory

Have you ever noticed how God's ways don't always look like the smart way. Sometimes they look crazy, weird, or even down right stupid, but somehow they always turn out more wonderful than anything we could think up. Remember Moses when he had the entire nation of Israel behind him, and the Egyptian army was closing in on them, and God simply asked him to stick his staff over the waters. Now, you can imagine what was going on in Moses head, "why on earth would I do that, I'm going to look stupid, and we are all about to die". Then Moses sucked up his pride and just obeyed, and the seas parted and God showed his wonder through Moses and his faith. Or even when David went up against the giant Goliath with nothing but a sling and some stones. He could have died, but instead God was glorified. I want my life to be an example of how great my God is, and his splendor and might. If that means that sometimes I have to stick my neck out and look kind of stupid, I'm ok with that. In fact its exciting, because I know I'm about to see God's victory.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The One with the Talented People

So I have come to realize that there are many people in this world, who do not like people who are extremely talented. I never really noticed this until after I got married. You see my husband is an extremely talented musician. You might think I'm bias, but I'm not. Way back when I first met him, he was trying very hard to impress me, and I in turn was trying very hard to not be impressed lol. But anyways, I still remember sitting there and him telling me he can sing. Now I was thinking, sure yeah you can sing, whatever. Well then he started to sing, and I think that my jaw hit the floor, he really could sing. Then as I got to know him, I also found out he can play just about any instrument, and he can do it very well, and write beautiful music. The type of music, where everyone falls silent in order to listen. Anyways, back to my original point, people don't always like this. They try to put people down who are greatly talented. Why you might ask, for lots of reasons, but  jealousy or poor self esteem are probably the two biggest. You can see this with the popularity of reality shows, and paparazzi. The reason they are so popular is people want to know that these talented people are real, and that they aren't perfect, so in turn they feel better about themselves. Its pretty sad actually, but its the truth.
Well, here is the thing, everyone is talented, in their own way. Maybe you wish you could sing, or take be an amazing photographer, but take a good look at yourself and see what your talents are. You may be thinking, I have no talents. Well maybe they just are not quite as visible to people as some other talents. You might be awesome at doing hair, calming down someone when they are hurt or upset, or maybe you can read a story to a child better than anyone. All of these things are talents that are important. God made us all individuals, and with different talents. If we take the time to find the talents in others, and utilize them and praise them instead of tearing them down, we can see the many wonders of God. We can find our own talents, and put them to work. If we were all good at the same things, that would be pretty lame. Variety is the spice of life. So the next time you see someone with an extreme talent, and that little bit of jealousy starts to rise up, remember to praise them for it, God put them here to bless the world with that gift, take it as a gift, and remember you have gifts to bring to the table too.
