Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day!

Happy Mothers Day to all the moms out there. I know I have not been writing much lately. But I have been preoccupied with a special little princess. She is 7 almost 8 months already. She has grown so quickly. She is such a happy little girl and always on the move.

It's funny motherhood is not exactly how I pictured it. Nobody can really describe how hard it really can be. The lack of sleep, wondering if your doing it "the right way", and the 24/7 job that it is. But at the same time nobody can describe the joy that motherhood brings either. When you see your little one light up when you enter the room, the warmth and happiness you feel is like no other. When you see your child learn how to do something new and the pride on their face, it makes you glow with pride as well. It amazes me how something that can be so frustrating at times, can bring so much joy the next moment. So I have been focusing on all those moments. The moments that you want to take a mental picture of so you can remember when she is 16 and always out with her friends.

I have always wanted to be a mother. This past year my little girl made that a reality. The very first moment they laid her in my arms I was forever changed. It has been more difficult and more wonderful than I could have ever imagined. But then again many things we work hard for have the best rewards.
So happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there that have the hardest and most rewarding job in the world.

~ Danni