Thursday, March 25, 2010

The One with 3 Years

      So I have officially lived in Michigan for 3 years. This is crazy to me, it seems like just the other day, I was pulling away from my house with all our stuff jammed in my VW Beetle, embarking on a new chapter in our lives. Let me tell you, never did I know your life can change so much in the matter of 3 years.
  I loved growing up in New York, it was the place everyone new my name. Every birthday, someone would tell me how they remember when I was “this big” . Every place we went, I already had some memory attached to it.
When I moved to Michigan it was kind of scary, new, and exciting all at the same time. I knew next to nobody, except through the hubby of course, he knows everyone almost everyone. But it has turned out pretty amazing. I have my family here with me, we have a beautiful home, the best puppy, I have a new little niece, and all around great life.
  I will always love New York. I miss certain specific things and memories, like eating as much Stewart's ice cream as we can till we burst on St. Patty's day, I miss girls nights with my girls, I miss Super Walmart being 10 min away, I miss being only 3 hrs from NYC, but most of all I miss my friends and family in NY. I wish I could see them more, that is one of my goals to see them more. To all my family in friends in NY, I love you all tons, and miss you =).
But Michigan is different. The atmosphere here, is more relaxed, it has so many beautiful places to see, and they are all only about 2 hrs away. It is a friendly place, and one that I have learned to call home. Its weird for the first 2 years, when people asked me where I was from I would say NY, well somewhere over time I began to say Michigan, because well thats were my home is now. Now when I go to lots of places here, I have memories as well. Its fun to be able to say, remember the last time we were here and we..enter memory here... that was great. It has been so much fun making new memories and creating my home here. I'm proud to say I was born and raised in upstate New York, but now I'm from Michigan.


Monday, March 22, 2010

The One with all the busyness

Have you ever felt like you were so busy, but yet never seemed to get anything done that you needed to. That has been the past week for me. I have been running around so busy, yet I have this big to do list that doesn't get touched. Oh well, there is always tomorrow I suppose. Heres to a productive tomorrow and start of the week...

Although sometimes I would rather just hide

~ Danni

Friday, March 12, 2010

The One With My Birthday

I have wanted to start this blog for a while, and today is my birthday, so I thought it would be a great day to start. 
It has been an awesome day in so many ways, and to be honest I wasn't sure it was going to be.
It all started  when my hubby woke me up by singing me Happy Birthday with 2 candles in 2 frozen ding dongs (on a side note if you haven't tried frozen ding dongs you should, they are great amazing).  Then I went to the dining room, and there were flowers, a card, and presents. I then had to get ready for work as he made me breakfast. As I left for work, I opened my car door, and he had completely cleaned it YAY, and there was another present sitting on my seat, (yes we are that cute couple that makes you want to puke, lol). It was a wonderful start to my day.
At work, it was a pretty good day, got some good news, that I had been waiting for. Then I got another surprise when in walked my hubby with one of my favorite coffee drinks. It was a very fun surprise. I didn't work to long today, and went home to a great lunch, and watching Rachel Ray (which I love). After that, I went to get my hair cut, which I was soo excited about because I haven't had it cut for almost a year, it has been to long. I loved my hairstylist she was fun, and she did a great job =). Then was dinner at my parents and both sides of my family were there. We had a very yummy dinner and one of my very favorite desserts Blackberry Cobbler.  I got a lot of great gifts. Although its funny as you get older, the cards were what got to me this year. I have a great family and I love them very much. This birthday was great low key, but yet I felt extremely special. It goes to show you, you don't have to spend a lot just letting someone know you love them, and you are important to them is such a great gift to give =). So thank you to all my family and friends who made this day especially great! Well, I'm off to relax before bed. The birthday celebration continues tomorrow with a day of just me and the hubby, and maybe some shopping too, we shall see.
Nighty Night
